On Regrets: I don’t believe in regrets. I believe that the road not taken would have led me to the same place. Destination shares a lot with destiny.
On Addictions: He said I am his creation. He assured me that this is the only proof that he will never let me go. He wondered if God can leave us. He said when God do, I will leave you.
On Loneliness: I get lonely; I lean on a selection of friends. They get busy, they run and I end up doing the most foolish things in this world. I get lonely too often and that’s why I am always stupid.
On Identity: I really wish I could start over in a new place. I want a new name. I want new friends. I want new lovers. I want new personality. I want new history. I want a new me.
Picture: Soul's Journey
On Addictions: He said I am his creation. He assured me that this is the only proof that he will never let me go. He wondered if God can leave us. He said when God do, I will leave you.
On Loneliness: I get lonely; I lean on a selection of friends. They get busy, they run and I end up doing the most foolish things in this world. I get lonely too often and that’s why I am always stupid.
On Identity: I really wish I could start over in a new place. I want a new name. I want new friends. I want new lovers. I want new personality. I want new history. I want a new me.
Picture: Soul's Journey
(( I believe that the road not taken would have led me to the same place ))
very well said ! people do waste alot of their time and life on regrets and the What IFs !!
Hello lost within
The thing is, we regret because we lose scope. Or may be it is faith that we lose when we regret.
Thank you for your comment :)
Regret = Loss of faith in destiny and God's plan
Great post.
Hello Serendipity
If only we always believe that even the worst things happen for the best.
Thanks for passing by
They're all stuck to regrets !!
Sometimes regrets are blessings if they are real evaluation ..
Loneliness is when they go .. but sure if they don't come back ..others will come ..
Addiction .. if in love .. it is the best addiction ever ..
Identity .. especially this definition shows how vivid you are
I liked this post
regret mainly is not about the loss, it's rather about the failure,
shimaa there is a paradox today, (I believe that the road not taken would have led me to the same place. Destination shares a lot with destiny.)
and yet, (I really wish I could start over in a new place. I want a new name. I want new friends. I want new lovers. I want new personality. I want new history. I want a new me.)
wouldn't that also lead to the same place?!
Good morning my dear Sherif
Thank you for your nice words.
Maybe you are right addiction is only good if you are in love. It might be good to be addicted to your lover though addiction is a kind of abuse. But if love faded won’t addiction hurt? What if you are addicted to the wrong person? Or addicted to an abusive relation? Now I remember how moderation is the hardest goal to be achieved.
Good morning Mahmood
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that everything around me carries the number 22, so I thought it might be a sign to think of it as my lucky number. I wrote this in a forum and a friend replied “Think Catch 22”. He believed that catch 22 would explain lots of things in my life.
I guess this little paradox of no regrets yet searching for a new identity is another proof that many things in my life is a catch 22. But my wish to have a new identity isn’t out of regret; it is mainly out of tiredness and boredom. May be I should have wished for a more feasible alternative. I should have wished for a little vacation where I get charged with hope and get back on the track of my destination as fresh as new.
Have a great day
What a great post
eh al kalam al kebeer dah ya shimoo
It is rili nice words and make me not able to say any comment.
begad begad
entey 3adetey :)
Thanks Omar :) but I will have to remind you eny keda hasada2 nafsy :)
begad merci
I hope you are enjoying your time
i dont believe in regret... why regret... better analyze the situation, and never do the same mistake again... at least i try
i suffer from my addiction to sacrifices, and others' addiction to me...
loneliness is a permanent status, with people, without people... i am lonely .. maybe cause no one contained me yet?...
identity ... i lost it, and got a new one, in a world of my own creation
allow me to apologize for closing my blogs without prior notice, but someone called "Atyaf El 7ob" stole three peaces i wrote, and put them on a forum called "Al jonon" without linking to my blog, or point to the source
which is considered as a ser2a 3alany:(
but i opened all the blogs now, except the diaries... because after what happened, i will work harder in my book, and use the blog as my experimental area, where i take the opinion of my close good freinds such as u
belnesba lelgoyob el anfeya... eh el a7'bar 3andek :(:( i hate spring... i really do :(
walahy el ramad el rabee3y howa elly mesaytar 3ala el mawkef delwa2ty :) bas gary el ta3amol ma3ah be7azm :)
I am trying to find a way to like spring but I always fail :(
But I am enjoying it anyway.
I really hate those who dare to steal ideas. I don't know how can they claim the things that they didn't create. Probably it is something related to our culture. lama el wa7ed yen2el mn kashkool elly ganboh wel Miss mat2olsh 7aga. Lama ne3'esh fi el exams we yekoon el 3'esh 3ady. lazem lama nekbar nesra2 afkar el nas we man7esesh bel zanb. le2nena et3alemna en el fekra 3ala el masha3.
I had a science teacher, he was explaining the atom, electrons ..etc. He had troubles explaining how the electrons rotate around the neuclus. So, I simply whispered it is just like the solar system. He proudly used my example without referring to me, setting a model for how to steal others ideas.
It is really so sad.
Anyway, Good luck with the book, I can't wait to read
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