X: You should have told me back then.
Y: it wouldn’t have made any difference
X: it wasn’t your call to make.
Y: and now you know. What difference this will make?!
X: silence
Y: I would have told you if I was sure. You knew and you didn’t do a thing. You are not stupid, you knew. I would have told if I was sure that the only thing that was keeping you from taking the step was fear or doubt. I would have told you if you were really that stupid. But you knew and I wasn’t sure.
X: You weren’t sure of how I would have reacted?
Y: no, I wasn’t sure if I can take this reaction. I was sure of your reaction, I wasn’t sure I could have taken it. I preferred to live on the doubt that maybe you had feelings for me and you were that stupid not to notice that I have them back. I preferred to live with a lie than facing the ugly truth.
X: I don’t think I am that cruel.
Y: So?!
X: (silently moving away)
Y: (silently praying for faith)
At least he was man enough to face it when he made sure :)
(am I getting the thing right?)
Well, before saying whether you got it right or wrong. Which of them is the male and which is the female?
X is the female
Y is the male
It actually works both ways, but in my mind X was the male and Y was the female.
And no I don't think any man is man enough to not walk away when confronted with feelings even if he knows about them. Actually, there is a higher change he will walk away if he was confronted with feeling that he knew about. He would have taken the step, but he hesitated. Hesitation is a vote against a certain decision.
X in this conversation walked away twice. Once when he knew about the feeling and didn't want to confront it. And 2nd when he was confronted.
He wouldn't have stayed in the 1st place :) I think Y is wise for not telling him now.
Am I way too complicated?
mmm, you have a point, And my point was that no man is man enough to say about their feelings, so yes it makes sense that way.
Honestly I'm pleased by Y's stand, I'm happy she broke him (shrera ana :D).
Do you think she really broke him? :)
Good point :D *Grrr*
Touching!!! heartbreaking... & ouch on your comments, both of you :)
Hello ze2red
It is really heart breaking :) in so many ways that probably I couldn't put in the conversation :)
I hope you are having a nice day, it might rain btw so take care :)
When you can write them down, it will be interesting to know what's going on ur mind.
about the rain, el sa7ab kan beydla3 today, i hate it when it's like that el car kanet metbahdela 3ashan it's not pouring rain. I love heavy rain though it's not safe for driving.
I love rain too but I hate how dangerous it can be.
My brother works in Sharm El Shiekh and he is now unreachable. The floods cut the communication. And I don't know anything about him and I am dead worried.
i am sure he is OK, masl7a akeed wakhed agaza :D
rabena yostor :) we teegy bas 3ala ad el agaza el egbary :)
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