Right now, all what I can think of is how a certain person smells like. You know how it feels when you have this constant headache that you know will go only if you sniffed a cup of coffee, fresh bread or even took a deep breath in a rainy day.
It is not really a headache; it is a torturing craving for something that can’t be easily fulfilled. It is not easily fulfilled because I wish it was just the smell of coffee that I am craving. But I am craving a smell of a person who isn’t physically around. And the only way to get this fixed is to find a way to transfer smells over the internet.
I hate packing. Well, I don’t really hate packing. I hate how the idea of travel starts a compulsive behavior of washing everything in sight. It is really time consuming super exhausting. But I just can’t stop. Because all what I can think of is how I will get back to find home. And you know what, the moment I am back home, I start a process of unpacking and washing everything in sight. I think one day I should do something about that cleaning compulsive behavior.
Actually not only travel sets it off, stress in general. If someone died for example I start washing things too.
Life, people, would have been different if we lived every day as if there is no tomorrow. The concept of tomorrow is ruining our lives. Because we know there is a tomorrow, and regardless we know that there is no guarantee, yet we act as if it is granted. And instead of making use of today and say what we should be saying and do what we feel like doing, we wait. And there is no point of waiting. Whatever that didn’t happen today won’t be happening tomorrow. And if it did, we will regret it anyway.
The thing is, the concept of no tomorrow could ruin our lives in many ways too. But this is a long story and I have a plan to catch in few hours. I am going back to visit the sacred valley. I am not that excited and this too is another long story to be added to the many things that I have been keeping inside.
Right now, all what I can think of is a smell that I never smelled before yet I know is exactly what I need.
I will pray for you all, and I will miss you all.
Actually, I am missing you already.
à toute à l'heure