May 24, 2014

News Alert

Today is the day my life begins!

I tried not to be so dramatic about yet I have shared all types of sorrows and heartbreaks here. Happiness deserves it share of drama too :)


You can find the firt article here
It is in Arabic. (Yay for writing in Arabic too)

Hopefully it won't be the last article.

I am happy. 

There is a lot of people that I would like to thank and hug right now. I think they will all be reading this. 

I love you all.

اللهم لك الشكر :)

May 07, 2014


The story goes like this. He just fits. In every possible aspect. But he left.
Then someone comes along. He doesn't fit but he is going to stay.

What would a smart girl do?

What would I do?

May 05, 2014

May 5th

It has been a year since I last met him.

A full year in a roller-coaster ride!

I am exhausted.

I have complicated my life in ways that I don't like to think about.

I thought it partially fixed me but I just realized missing him have screwed me in so many ways that can't be undone.

It has been a year and dating other men still tastes like cheating.

Life goes on but maybe the heart doesn't.