April 18, 2013

Encore une fois

I am in tears again.

He’s been making me cry too often

And every time I think he can’t do it again … he does

I am too old for this …

I am supposed to be smarter than this.

I thought I loved him then I said I don’t. Then he left and I broke in tears for days, weeks and when it turned into a month of tears I asked him to get back. He did.

When he did I said I don’t love him. But I do. And I am in tears.

I don’t want him to leave. But he will do.

I am too old for this.

I would beg him to stop.

But if I did he will leave. I don’t want him to leave.

I break in tears when he goes away …

I don’t want him to leave.

I am too old for this.

I am too old for this.

I am too old for this.