September 30, 2012

Huston ... We have a Problem!

There are certain questions that signals that something is going wrong in your relationship.


* But we are friends, aren't we?

If you got to the point of playing the "friendship" card this means you are not friends and one of you is trying to either set boundaries or claim rights.

* you love me, don't you?
If you feel like asking someone whether or not they love you, this might mean they don't.

* but you couldn't be possibly betraying me, no?

Chances are you have been betrayed and in denial.

What other questions do you think signals relationship troubles?

1 comment:

L.G. said...

متفقة معاك تماما في السؤال الأولاني والتالت
بس التاني لأ خالص لأننا بنسأله مش عشان شاكين في الاجابة ولكن عشان بنحب نسمعها :) كتير
فيه جملة لو اتقالت بتدل ان فيه مشكلة
إذا كملنا مع بعض ؟

بحس انها لو اتقالت في سياق اي حديث معناها ان القائل متردد ومش عايز يكمل